Revelation Chart Explained

     The Revelation prophecy covers a period of 7 years. In reality it represents the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy of Seventy Weeks. (Dan 9:27) This 70th week of 7 years presented with seals, trumpets and vials (bowls).

     The SEALS come first and continue the whole 7 years. They begin with a rider on a white horse. REV 6:1-2 This rider is the Antichrist – the last world ruler. The seals end with another rider on a white horse. REV 19:11 This rider is Jesus Christ returning at the Battle of Armageddon, after which, He will set up His millennial kingdom (a thousand years reign).

     The TRUMPETS are, what I believe, the “great tribulation” which Jesus spoke of in MATT 24:21. Remember, the trumpets are not God's wrath as they are not called wrath. They will begin half way through the 7 years (3½ years) and run unto the end. The TRUMPETS will come on top of or compound with the seals – occurring at the same time.

     The VIALS (bowls) will appear near the end of the 7 years. The length of their presence is not determinable. Nevertheless, the wrath of God will fall on the earth in addition to or compound with the trumpets and vials. At this point all three will be active at the same time. This compounding effect will be devastating.

     Though the seals, trumpets and vials begin at different times within the 7 years they will have a common ending. They will end together. They all end with a “great” earthquake. See REV 6:12 REV 11:13 REV 16:18 Seeing that the seals, trumpets and vials all end with an earthquake, the question is: Are there three earthquakes or just one earthquake?

     Knowing that at one point in the 7 years all three (seals, trumpets and vials) will be occurring at the same time, it then seems logical they will end at the same time. They all end with one and the same “great” earthquake. That one “great” earthquake will be followed by the return of Jesus Christ at the Battle of Armageddon.

After Christ's victory at the Battle of Armageddon He will set up His millennial kingdom and reign for a thousand years on earth. Upon completion of the millennial kingdom the white throne judgment will be held. The only thing left now is the eternal state in which the church will be with Jesus Christ in heaven for eternity. 

                                                       "Even so, come, Lord Jesus."  Rev 22:20